Environmental Researchers

Meet the Team Tuesday: Bennett Koerber

Today’s post in our Meet the Team series features Senior Research Associate Bennett Koerber, who holds an MA and Doctor of Philosophy in American History. In support of his PhD dissertation titled “Liberal Arts Football: Athletics, Academics, and American Higher Education, 1906-1948,” he traveled to federal, state, and local archival repositories across seven states. Now, he is bringing his research expertise and passion for history to TRG. To learn more about Bennett, read his Q&A below.

Meet the Team Tuesday: Maayan Rosen

Today’s post in our Meet the Team series features Junior Research Associate Maayan Rosen, who holds both a BA and MA in History. She has extensive knowledge of historical research methods and has conducted research for our environmental and corporate succession projects. Maayan has also assisted in developing comprehensive provenance sheets and chronologies as part of these research efforts. To learn more about Maayan, read her Q&A below.