Meet the Team Tuesday: Bennett Koerber

Today’s post in our Meet the Team series features Senior Research Associate Bennett Koerber, who holds an MA and Doctor of Philosophy in American History. In support of his PhD dissertation titled “Liberal Arts Football: Athletics, Academics, and American Higher Education, 1906-1948,” he traveled to federal, state, and local archival repositories across seven states. Now, he is bringing his research expertise and passion for history to TRG. To learn more about Bennett, read his Q&A below.

When you’re not working, where can we find you?

A few places! I enjoy hiking with my wife and our dog anywhere that I can find green space. I’m a national parks enthusiast, so, ideally, I would be navigating one of the many national parks that I have yet to explore!

I’m also a big sports fan. If I’m not watching a game live, I probably have some sort of sporting event on TV.

If the TRG team was out at a quiz or trivia night, what would be your area of expertise? 

Piggybacking off the answer above, I would probably be most helpful with sports trivia. I might also be useful with general, 20th-century American history. However, I’d be useless when it comes to pop culture!

As a TRG team member, we know you frequently travel to repositories throughout the country, but what about personal travel experiences? Tell us about a memorable trip.

My wife and I visited Glacier National Park in June 2022 for our honeymoon. I had yet to visit any national parks in the Northwest, and Glacier did not disappoint! From the sheer size of the mountains to the incredibly blue glacial water, every hike we went on was an extraordinary experience.

 If you had a time machine, which decade or historical time period would you most want to live in and why?

I’ve always been fascinated by the 1920s and how ordinary Americans coped with emerging from World War I and the Spanish Flu, while simultaneously experiencing a rapidly changing American culture and society. It would be fascinating to be a fly on the wall during that decade. Also, I know I would enjoy hearing about the exploits of sports stars Babe Ruth, Jack Dempsey, and Bobby Jones in real-time!

Prior to joining TRG, you obtained a BA and MA in American History from Louisiana State University, and a MA and PhD in American History from Carnegie Mellon University. How does your academic background shape your research approach at TRG? 

While earning those degrees, I completed many independent archival research projects. The road to completing that research was both rewarding and challenging, and, with each success and disappointment, I learned how to follow leads and ask the right questions to obtain clarity and insight. Regardless of the project that I work on, I still look for those leads and ask the same questions to help the TRG team find the facts!

In 280 characters or less, tell us something about the historical research field that would surprise those outside of it.

Perspective matters. I find it fascinating that no matter how many times a particular document is analyzed, different researchers can emerge with new insights and conclusions. It is not so much the document that provides an answer but rather the researcher who comes equipped with their own insights and experiences. This is particularly exciting at TRG where we have many brilliant researchers who all have unique backgrounds and proficiencies. Collectively, our team brings different perspectives that allow us to provide imaginative research solutions and identify valuable information for our clients time and time again.