Independence Day

July 4th Then and Now: Are we celebrating Independence Day as the Founding Fathers once did?

As the weather gets hotter and the sunshine seems to last forever, it is clear that summer is in full swing. At stores throughout the country there are sparklers on the shelves, cupcake icing has turned red, white, and blue, and barbecue supplies are dwindling – all of which can only mean one thing: the Fourth of July is upon us. Despite a pandemic taking over our daily lives, the festivities of this holiday will surely go on, as 76% of Americans reportedly plan on celebrating the joyous occasion this year. Whether you plan on marking the day by sharing food, fun, and fireworks with friends or family, it’s important to understand where these traditions originated from. What were some of the first Fourth of July events like? What has remained the same and what new traditions have we adopted as a nation? Are you observing this occasion as our Founding Fathers did?