Archival Records

October is American Archives Month - 2023 update!

October is American Archives Month! That means archives from around the country will promote their collections and archivists will share their knowledge all month long online. As you know, our line of work is dependent on the good folks who care for and curate historical materials. We here at TRG look forward to this month as it helps give us a sense of current trends and happenings in the archives field.

We last wrote about this fun event in 2019, but much has changed since then.

Conducting Remote Research During COVID-19 Repository Closures

For the past 14 years, Taylor Research Group (TRG) has touted our ability to obtain obscure archival records on our clients’ behalf. In light of the continued closure of many repositories due to the COVID-19 pandemic, however, the textual documentation we routinely review is now largely inaccessible. As a result, we have spent the past few months honing our online research techniques and investigating digitized caches of historical records.