Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below are answers to some frequently asked questions concerning our professional research services. Taylor Research Group is happy to answer any additional questions you may have during our regular business hours.

Can you give me a specific example of a litigation research service you provide?

Businesses or law firms hire us as a litigation support company to find information on the historical operations and activities of Superfund sites, research whether there were other "potentially responsible parties" who owned or operated the site, and/or if any surrounding industry may have contributed to the contamination. Oftentimes, if there were other "potentially responsible parties," we are hired to uncover any and all viable corporate successors. Finally, as a litigation support company, we are often involved with cost allocation discussions at these sites when each "responsible party" is assigned a dollar figure for the clean-up.

Why should a law firm or business use Taylor Research Group's professional research services? Aren't paralegals capable of doing this kind of litigation and environmental research?

To put it simply, Taylor Research Group's professional research staff are more experienced, cost effective and efficient than in-house resources. Paralegals at law firms and businesses are trained in legal research, but not necessarily historical and archival research. Finding relevant documents in the hundreds of thousands of boxes at the National Archives, federal agencies, etc. is different from finding documents and other materials through Westlaw, Lexis Nexis, other electronic resources or in-house libraries.

Taylor Research Group's professional research staff has spent many years acquiring the ability and tools to locate documentation within the federal government, the National Archives, records centers, and the many other federal, state and local document repositories. This knowledge and these tools make our services essential to any organization that needs specific federal, state or local documents and information very quickly.

How much do your services cost?

In the legal and professional research field we are a bargain. Other larger research organizations have hefty overhead and administrative costs, which is simply not the case for Taylor Research Group. In addition, our knowledge of the records and our ability to review them efficiently and accurately will save you time and money.

I think I have a research project. What do I do now?

Contact Us. We offer all potential clients free cost estimates and research proposals with a short turnaround time. Let us know what you need and how we can help you.